The Missing Reel

The Missing Reel is a compilation of all things horror and what mattered throughout the week. This week Stephen King announced a release date for the sequel to The Shining, more news on Bate’s Motel, the first look at Stoker and more.

Max Thieriot Checks into ‘Bates Motel’

Max Thieriot will be playing opposite Freddie Highmore (Norman Bates) as his brother. Here is what he had to say about the role,

I was kind of surprised. I was like, okay, ‘fill me in. What’s going on? Am I playing Norman Bates?’ Which I’m obviously not, I’m playing his brother who they are creating [for the show]. Which for me is maybe more exciting because I’m playing a new character. He could do anything – there’s a lot of room to play there. It’s amazing. [The world of] Alfred Hitchcock is amazing. Psycho, The Birds… his movies are pretty amazing. It’s pretty exciting to be a part of something like that.

You can see Thieriot this weekend in House at the End of the Street.

‘Halloween’ Gets Re-released In Theaters

Screenvision is set to re-release John Carpenter’s 1978 classic Halloween nationwide beginning on October 25th with select showings. This will mark the film’s largest distribution since its original release in 1978 which is pretty damn cool. Screenvision will also show an exclusive documentary titled, You Can’t Kill The Bogeyman: 35 Years of Halloween which will focus on the impact that the film and the series as a whole has had on culture and the genre itself. A list of theaters is going to be announced soon so if your theater happens to be screening this once in a life time event; consider yourself lucky! Check out the trailer and poster for the re-release.

Pitch Reel For A Platinum Dunes ‘Halloween’ Remake

Just a few months ago Halloween was heading towards yet another remake back when The Weinstein Company was looking for partners to help them bring Michael Meyers back to life. That partner was Platinum Dunes who is no stranger to remaking horror classics with A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre and Friday the 13th under their belt. No worries though, because those quickly dissolved leaving the Weinstein’s left wondering what to do with the property.

During all of this, however, was a pitch trailer created by artists Federico D’Alessandro — who has worked on most of Marvel’s feature films — and it’s pretty cool to say the least. Remember this is just the pitch trailer which is essentially like an animated story board that the studio would use to get their vision across when pitching the idea.

Here’s what D’Alessandro had to say:

“As a lifelong HALLOWEEN fan it would be a dream to direct a reboot of the franchise that’s so near and dear to my heart. I created this animatic to show the tone and storytelling that I would bring to the project if I were lucky enough to have that chance. If you like it, please repost…if this gets enough hits, who knows, maybe I’ll get that opportunity!”

Check it out below:

Release Date’s For Stephen King’s Sequel To ‘The Shining’, ‘Dr. Sleep’ and Cover Art For ‘Joyland’

Stephen King has officially announced the release date for Dr. Sleep,the hotly anticipated sequel to the The Shining. And unfortunately it’s going to be a very long wait for fans of King because it’s set for a September 24, 2013 release. Ouch.

Some better news however is that King will be releasing his next novel a couple of months before then to hold over fans eagerly waiting for Dr. Sleep. Joyland will release on June 4, 2013 and is “Set in a small-town North Carolina amusement park in 1973, Joyland tells the story of the summer in which college student Devin Jones comes to work as a carny and confronts the legacy of a vicious murder, the fate of a dying child, and the ways both will change his life forever.”

Stephen King commented, “I love crime, I love mysteries, and I love ghosts. That combo made Hard Case Crime the perfect venue for this book, which is one of my favorites. I also loved the paperbacks I grew up with as a kid, and for that reason, we’re going to hold off on e-publishing this one for the time being. Joyland will be coming out in paperback, and folks who want to read it will have to buy the actual book.”

I’m beyond excited for these two announcements, and even though it’s quite a while away before their releases, that just gives more time to catch up on some of Kings older novels. Check out the cover art for Joyland.

First Footage From Park Chan-wook’s English-Language Film Debut, ‘Stoker’

With a release date set for March 1, 2013 it’s officially time to get excited for Park Chan-Wook’s Stoker. Everything that makes Chan-wook’s films work so well seem to be present here in this very first look at the film.

After India’s (Wasikowska’s) father dies in an auto accident, her Uncle Charlie (Goode), who she never knew existed, comes to live with her and her emotionally unstable mother (Kidman). Soon after his arrival, she comes to suspect this mysterious, charming man has ulterior motives, but instead of feeling outrage or horror, this friendless girl becomes increasingly infatuated with him.

From the director of Oldboy comes Park Chan-wooks first english language film and is a planned trilogy. Try to ignore the annoying talking heads at ET because the footage is pretty amazing. Expecting an official trailer soon!

Guillermo del Toro’s ‘The Strain’ Trilogy Headed For The Small Screen

Another project is in development from the ever so busy Guillermo del Toro. This time however, his work is going to be seen on the small screen as his trilogy of novels written by himself and Chuck Hogan have been ordered for a pilot by FX. I’ve read the trilogy and his vampires are ones you won’t be seeing sparkle in the sunlight; del Toro has finally brought back some truly scary vampires to the genre.

His novels are perfect for TV and I really hope FX goes the route of AMC and doesn’t shy away from the terrifying aspect of del Toro’s novels.

The End

There you have it, some of the stuff that mattered in all things horror this week and if you happened to have missed the last edition of The Missing Reel be sure to check it out here:

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If you are ever attacked by a gorilla just sit back and relax while you enjoy the once in a life time feeling of your limbs being ripped off.

7 thoughts on “The Missing Reel

  1. Awesome post! I can’t wait for “Joyland”! I’ve been interested in the Del Toro books but just wasn’t sure because it can be so tragic sometimes when people cross over, ya know?

    1. Definitely worth checking out, he co-wrote with Chuck Hogan who’s a great author. It has del Toro’s visionary style with Hogans writing; it’s quite good.

    1. Same here man. I thought it was very solid and I really liked del Toro’s vision of vampires. There’s definitely room to make it an amazing show, hope it all works out!

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